Monday, December 5, 2011

Welcome back!

The ongoing saga between the NBAPA and the owner has been resolved. An off season filled with melodrama and a clashing of wills has given way to an understanding. Now the fans can riddle opposing teams fans with jokes (bad jokes at that) and trash talk. Players can return to their cutting edge training facilities, catered lunches,  droves of reporters, and play the game we all love. The true fan has sat and watched with disdain as the wealthy bicker with the rich for scraps from the table of abundance. Such is life.

Owners please, please let them play in your tax payer bought arenas. It seems odd to me, that in the United States, a proud capitalist nation, that billionaires have the right to use tax payer monies to house their games. Or that a billionaire can hold a city hostage for an arena he doesn't want to pay for alone. I understand the commerce and tax dollars the team brings to the city and that the owners are huge tax contributors, but  when is enough, enough? You were a capitalist when you made your billions to buy the team, what happened after that? To cap this all off, smaller market team owners want a share of the profit! What? Are the successfully built teams to share their success with failing organizations? Only the strong survive huh? Unless you bought into sports teams, banks, insurances agencies, and my favorite the "auto industry". It all seems a tad socialist in my book. 

Players, players, playas...your mere cogs in the NBA machine. Though many of you are fine, up-standing members of society, some of you are difficult to comprehend. Though mostly college educated, there are a growing number barely literate millionaires among you. I wont point them out, but they know who they are, or do they? Ignorance is bliss they say. Wake up, your living the dream, make a young boys day and be a role model. We don't care what shoe your selling or what brand you building, we wanna see you play ball! I don't care if you got married, traveled to communist China, or crashed your Lambo into a tree, we wanna see you ball! Get over yourselves and do what God put you on Earth to do.

Fans, as this new season embarks, don't be a doubter. If your team stumbles, take it like the champ you could be. I can rib with the best of them and be out right nasty, but no one will listen if I am. The poop that I hear from other fan bases is utter drivel. The same bad jokes over and over, ugh! Get some new material or you'll wind up like that Andrew Dice Clay guy, forgotten. Play nice fans, and if the Heat smack your team down, don't hate, appreciate. If the Heat go down in battle, I will be the first to recognize our counterparts, its called being a sportsman.

The Heat have a ton of work to do. The signing of a cheap big man is a must, preferably a defender without hands of stone. The Heatles really don't need a point guard with so many ball handlers, Rio and Cole can do the job, just minus the turnovers. Miller and Haslem are friends from college. Wade and Lebron are besties. Don't they all deserve another chance to gel and make a run at a ship as pals? Sure they do, in a season riddled with injury and disappointment this team went to the FINALS (in caps, am I too loud?) people. We only got past the Bulls because of Haslem coming back early or they would've lost no matter how many 3's Rose would've missed. Mr. Riley made it clear when they arrived, its a two year plan, I believe in Mr. Riley. Adding some veterans will help these young guys settle down and get to business though, a Shane Battier, Grant Hill or Coron Butler will settle the locker room with their veteran spirit. Christmas day will be exactly what the Heat need, Dallas hanging their banner will be motivation for the rest of the season. Nothing but net!  

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