Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Summer of Lebronsito

After a few days to let this season marinate, the Miami Heat have many things to be proud of. The Dallas Mavericks are Champions of the NBA they were a better team. Congratulations to the Mavericks are in order, and their Finals MVP, Dirk Nowitski deserves the praise.

As for the Heat, back to the drawing board and back to the summer of reflection. The team that was created after the summer of Lebron is now facing another Summer and this is one of reflection and change. Many will not return, but the core players will remain and should look forward to more success. In Riley I Trust!

It has been four days since the Heat lost to the Mavericks in game six of the Finals on Sunday 105-95. After all the celebrations and the criticism from the media, I am now a more ardent fan of the Heat. I don't really care if they lost, I wont lose sleep or plummet into a depression and neither should any fan. Miami played and lost to a better team, period. Did they choke? Did Lebron fail? Did the Heat make a mistake? Irrelevant, I say. Let all this bitterness and hate subside. I have never been involved in such a polarizing season or a team before in my sporting life. All the bile and disdain thrown at the Heat may have set a record.

As I look back, I am proud, proud of a team that persevered, gelled, and overcame almost every obstacle. The amount of attention that this team drew was inconceivable to compare to previous decades, due to the technological booms in social media. Love them or hate them, the Heat have arrived and are here to stay.

Miami came up two games short, be it fatigue, poor execution, free throws, Lebron not showing, Wade not taking over, Bosh not getting enough shots, and/or any combination of these, Miami fell short. I remember in 06' how the Mavericks complained about the referees and the NBA. I am glad the Heat did not blame others for their shortcomings. That was one of the reasons Mav fans and Heat fans did really have much respect for each other. Bottom line, the Heat took it like men and now they move on and grow. After all, failure is but a lesson.

The heat Lebron James is taking is borderline nonsensical. This guy has not broken one law and yet he is absolutely disliked by many a hypocrite, those who cast stones while in glass houses. Who among us has not failed to meet our goals or said the wrong thing at the age of 26?

I am glad Alex Rodriguez and McIlroy made the comments about Lebron, they knows what it feels like. They have walked this path. Being a Miami native, I have roots here and I know many Heat fans that are proud of this team and its players, right down to Dampier. Thank you all for one of the most exciting season's a fan could ask for.

Nothing but net...Haters marry haters and have hater kids, its life!

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