Sunday, June 5, 2011

Miami Looks To Rebound

Lebron must not hit the hole, he has to slam it!
The Heat put themselves in a very precarious position by giving up a home game to the Dallas Mavericks. Being up by 15 points with 7 minutes left on the clock, the Heat allowed the Mavs to get back into the game and eventually lose by two. I am still in shock and found the loss left a sour taste in my mouth, but more importantly did it leave a mark on the Heat? I expected Miami to make history, but not like this. 

The Heat can rebound from this and that's where it starts, on the glass. Miami lost the instincts that got them through the Chicago series, like Riles say "no rebounds, no rings". Miami must play out of their minds now, especially after losing their collective minds for 7 minutes in game 2. The attacking style that got Miami to this point is their bread and butter, Miami has two of the best rim attackers, use them. Role players, Mario Chalmers and Mike Bibby, these two came through last game and Miami spoiled their opportunity. The difference in game 1 from game 2 was effort, Miami simply gave in to the energy from the crowd in game 2, they cannot afford to pull off the gas. 

Dwayne Wade and Lebron James are as important to a victory as Chris Bosh is. Bosh did not have a good game in game 2, his turnovers, missed shots at the rim (24%), and poor shooting buried Miami. Bosh needs a double double in game 3 like James needs to attack the paint and kick. James must head to the low post in crunch time and distribute the ball from there. Wade is and will always be a slasher, his three point heroics made him a jump shooter instead, not his game. Miami needs Wade to facilitate, drive, and defend, not shoot jumpers. 

Miami learned a valuable lesson in game 2 and lessons aren't cheap. Instead of going to Dallas with the series in a strangle hold, Miami goes to Dallas on the ropes. How they rebound from this will influence the rest of this series, they have no more phone a friends left, no more 50/50's, this is literally do or die. Treat them all like game 7's, they say, well Miami had a flashback to the regular season and can't afford to lose game 3. If the Heat play their A game, no one can beat them but themselves, tonight is a must A game and I for one expect to see it on the court for 48 minutes without mercy.

Nothing but Net.........................

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