Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jumpball? Really?

Jumpball? C'mon Man!
As the Miami Heat were taking care of locking up the 2nd seed in the east on Monday in Atlanta, a curious call on Lebron James caught my attention. As he drove the lane and was being fouled, he flipped up a lay up that went in. Expecting a 3 point play for Lebron, the referee stepped in and call a "jump ball". Now I'm no referee and certainly do not proclaim to know each NBA rule, but how can you call jump ball on a play that the player flipped in the ball for a lay up? I thought a jump ball was called on plays in which both players controlled the ball? Hmm, is right? There was no jump ball at all, in fact James should have been at the stripe for one and the basket should count. Bad calls seem to follow the Heatles, I wonder why?
Last year both James and Wade went to the stripe regularly due to the physical manner they each attack the rim. James averaged 10 FTA/ game and Wade averaged 9 for the whole of the 09/10 season. This season shows a considerable drop off from last year, both Wade and James average 8 FTA/ game this year. Both increased their scoring totals and FG%, while reducing their number of shots. Are the referees making less calls now that they now play on the same team? The stats say no, but if you have watched Heat games last year, Wade was getting calls he hasn't gotten this year. Perhaps James isn't going to the hoop strong enough and drawing enough contact, not! James has lost more calls than Wade has, while having his most efficient season from the field, making 1 out every two shots. Those FT attempts have been the difference in a season filled with close games against plus .500 teams. The Heatles have faced critics all season from all angles and have taken it in stride and with class. Their toughest critics may come in the form of no calls in the playoffs and in the playoffs each possession counts.
The Heatles tend to expect certain calls and routinely quarrel with the refs. They may have a point  as per last years numbers in some cases, but this year guys, those calls aren't coming it appears. That's a personal foul on the refs or was is it a "jumpball"?

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